
Posts uit december, 2019 tonen
YEAR-IN-REVIEW 2019 For most of the duration of 2019 I thought it wasn’t a really good year for movies (not that the rest of 2019 was all that great in comparison, but we don’t need to get too deep into that). Some of my most anticipated movies of the year ended up being my biggest disappointments, like Us (a prime example of how a movie can become a whole lot less exciting once you start explaining what should be left to the imagination), Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (I honestly feel like this is Tarantino’s worst movie, until now at least) or Border (I still don’t understand how a movie this odd could feel so conventional in the way it builds its story). Several movies I was patiently awaiting ended up not coming out this year, or at least not outside of the festival circuit, like Fabrice Du Welz’ Adoration or Paul Verhoeven’s Benedetta , which got postponed for the second year in a row.    I also attended the second edition of the Brussels International Fil